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GlobalWise offers marketing and sales services.

Among the systematic preparations we conduct toward the actual marketing and sales work are product and market analyses, strategy formation and comprehensive business and marketing plans.

Following the preparations, the company uses its vast experience and numerous contacts to increase sales and enable a breakthrough to the international market.

• Improvement and Revision of Marketing Material

– Adjustment of marketing material to target markets
– Adjustment of marketing material to the international markets
– Localization/Translation
– Branding

• Building Marketing Infrastructure

GlobalWise assists in the recruitment of distributors, integrators, VARs, strategic partners, manpower and more, all based on the client’s business plan and targets.

• Adding Contacts to the Existing Infrastructure

GlobalWise maintains many contacts and relations, domestic and international. Relevant contacts are examined to meet the specific needs of each client. When possible, these contacts are integrated into the existing sales network.

• Guidance and Training of Marketing & Sales Staff

When necessary, the client’s sales team is trained to use marketing tools and conduct its sales activities on the basis of our accumulated experience.